History of the UE Union in Indiana

Thursday, September 14, 2023 - 6:00pm

WHERE: At Canterbury House, 719 E. 7th St. (on the IU campus)

"Rediscovering Our Past to Rebuild Our Future:
The United Electrical Workers Union History in Indiana," a talk by
Rosemary Feurer, Professor of History at
Northern Illinois University, and author of
"Radical Unionism in the Midwest, a
history of the United Electrical Workers
in the lower midwest" presents a talk on
UE history in Indiana.

--In the mid-twentieth century, the United Electrical Workers (UE) was a critical force in
southern Indiana where workers waged a decade-long campaign during the 1940s for
union recognition in the electrical production industries. Like today, these tough union
struggles in Indiana were an inspiration and training ground, especially for organizers in
the Civil Rights movement that followed

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