"What Is a Good Teacher? A Community Conversation on Teacher Evaluation"

Monday, April 22, 2013 - 7:00pm

"What Is a Good Teacher? A Community Conversation on 
Teacher Evaluation"

Monday, April 22, 7-8:30 p.m.
Council Chambers, Bloomington City Hall

Sandi Cole, Director, Center on Education and Lifelong Learning
Ray Golarz, education consultant and author 
Jeff Sparks, Principal, Linton-Stockton Junior High School
Jim Mann, Teacher, Vigo County Schools

Indiana now requires that teachers be evaluated in part on their students' performance on standardized tests. As districts work to build new evaluation processes, we ask our panelists to discuss how reliable and valid different measurements are when applied to the complex process of teaching.

Sponsored by the Indiana Coalition for Public Education--Monroe County and South Central Indiana.
