Panel: 2014 Indiana Legislature's Education Agenda

Thursday, January 16, 2014 - 7:00pm

Event: Legislative Program about Indiana Legislature's Education Agenda for 2014

Where: Bloomington City Council Chambers
               410 North Morton

Date: Thursday, January 16

Time: 7:00 pm. to 8:30 pm


Introductions:  Cathy Fuentes-Rohwer, Chair of ICPE Monroe County/South Central Indiana
   Legislative Representative:  Senator Mark Stoops
   Indiana Department of Education Perspective: Representative to be determined
   Indiana Coalition for Public Education - State Organization Chairperson, Vic Smith - Indianapolis
   Community Representative - Steve Hinnefeld - Observations of Indiana's Education Reform Efforts

Basic discussion of Indiana's educational reform efforts. This would include what has and will take place regarding education vouchers, charter schools, standards for teacher and administrator licensing, standardized testing, Common Core and many other subjects.

There will be a 10 - 15 minute presentation by each guest with time for questions and answers.

The South Central Indiana Community is invited to attend.
