Democracy for Monroe County's Link-up Welcomes Trish Whitcomb
Thursday, November 7th, 6:00pm
Coaches Bar & Grill at the Hilton Downtown Bloomington
DFMC is excited to welcome Trish Whitcomb, campaign manager for Glenda Ritz in her historic campaign for Indiana's Superintendent of Public Instruction that defeated Tony Bennett, to their Link-Up. Trish ran a campaign that was outspent 5 to 1, utilizing social media and grass roots organizing extensively. The campaign built a movement and received more votes than any other statewide race. She now serves as the Senior Advisor to the Superintendent. Having grown up the daughter of Republican Governor Ed Whitcomb, to leading Indiana Democrats to their most shocking victory in the last election, she has many stories to tell and this should make for a very enjoyable evening. Obviously, come enjoy a beer and dinner, and be ready to ask questions.
Thursday, November 7, 2013 - 6:00pm