"Mobilizing Hoosier Activists for Social Change" (Indianapolis)

Saturday, March 8, 2014 - 11:00am

Fighting Back and Moving Forward": Mobilizing Hoosier Activists for Social Change

A diverse coalition of peace and social justice individuals and organizations (including those with labor, civil rights, women's, immigrant rights, and peace concerns) from around Indiana is planning a series of events in September 2014 to build a large movement for basic change. One prominent project being discussed involves bringing Rev. William Barber, of North Carolina to Indiana to spear-head a movement similar to the Moral Mondays that has been successful in NC.

A planning meeting will take place on Saturday March 8, 2014 at 11:00am at the

Worker Justice Center located at: 1734 W. Washington Street in Indianapolis, zip: 46222. Off street parking is available.

We are hoping to bring together activists from labor, civil rights, voter rights, reproductive justice, students, environmental justice, and more to finds ways to be more effectively work together.

Please join us. For further information contact Sheila Rosenthal at (765) 463-4705rosefam2856@gmail.com

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