Labor Day Town Hall (Central IN AFL-CIO)

Thursday, August 27, 2020 - 5:00pm

To many, Labor Day is just another long weekend. To union members, it is a reminder of how far we have come as a movement. From the establishment of the 40-hour work week, to workplace safety standards, the fight for healthcare and retirement benefits, pensions, paid leave and so much more -- the hard-fought struggle of our siblings before us is never forgotten.

Historically the Central Indiana AFL-CIO has celebrated the accomplishments of working people on Labor Day weekend down on Georgia Street for Indy Laborfest. Unfortunately this year we are unable to gather for this annual event, but nevertheless we are still determined to celebrate the hardworking Hoosiers who drive our economy and keep us safe.

Join us this Thursday for a live virtual town hall featuring a panel of elected representatives in Congress, the Indiana Statehouse, the city of Indianapolis, and policy analyst driving the pro-working families' agenda.

This is an opportunity to have a candid discussion with our elected officials about the implications of current and future legislation on working families. Please share this event on Facebook and tune in for this historic conversation tomorrow at 5pm!

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