DFMC Monthly Link-Up

Thursday, February 7, 2013 - 6:00pm

At our February Link-up we will discuss a proposed bill in the State House of Representatives that isn't getting very much press, if any at all, yet poses a serious danger to our Democracy. House Bill 1452 would, if passed, eliminate or severely cut the franchise fees that are charged to cable companies such as Comcast. These fees are a major source of funding for our Community Access Television Service (CATS) which broadcasts all the major government proceedings in Monroe County. Without these fees, CATS' ability to provide this important service would be seriously hampered, thus restricting the flow of information about the actions of our government to the citizens of Monroe County and threatening our democracy which is dependent upon a well-informed citizenry.

Michael White, the General Manager of CATS will be on hand to discuss in further detail the effect HB 1452 would have on CATS. State Representative Matt Pierce will also be there to explain the legislative process for this bill and what we can do to block it.

As usual, we will meet at Coaches Bar & Grill.

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