A Conversation with Indiana's School Superintendent

Thursday, November 9, 2017 - 7:00pm

A CONVERSATION WITH STATE SUPERINTENDENT JENNIFER MCCORMICKThursday, November 9, 7 p.m. MCCSC Co-Lab, 553 East Miller Drive, Bloomington


Dr. McCormick will address accountability, school improvement, long-term goals, assessment, supporting educators and students, academics, and school funding. 

Time for questions and answers will be included. 

This public conversation has the potential to shed light on how new policies may affect students’ classroom experience and what the state expects of educators in public schools.  With the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) replacing No Child Left Behind (NCLB), requirements for states and standardized testing have shifted. Indiana is in the process of developing a new standardized test, ILEARN, to replace ISTEP. This fall, Indiana’s State Board of Education is exploring new requirements for high school students to graduate which may shift some responsibility away from the Indiana Department of Education to the Indiana Department of Workforce Development and even to individual employers. Please share this flyer (attached and also linked here) with friends. This event is co-sponsored by the Indiana Coalition for Public Education–Monroe County (http://icpe-monroecounty.org/) and the Monroe County Community School Corporation (https://www.mccsc.edu/).